AET FIS Slalom 22-23 Feburari 2025


Lycksele IF alpine has the pleasure to invite You to the AET FIS Competitions in Lycksele, Sweden on February 22-23, 2025

WhatsApp: AET FIS SL Lycksele 2025 Official board

Preliminary Race Program:

22 of February, FIS Slalom men and ladies
23 of February, FIS Slalom men and ladies

Preliminary start, Men 1:st start 9:25 and Ladies 1:st start 12:50. 

(Starttimes may be adjusted when entry is closed, official program at the TCM)

Entries to:

Foreign competitor entries, use FIS Entry Form Swedish competitor entries at "IdrottOnline"

Tel: +46 , (0) 70-649 38 12

Final date of Entry February 19, 2025 for both Swedish and foreign racers

Unsubscribe by mail or WhatsApp at least 2hr pre TCM: 

During the meeting top 15 ranked racers would be confirmed.

Team Captains meeting:            

Teams / Ansia Conference and Camping.
Teams captains meetings TCM link

Join on your computer, mobile app

Join the meeting - Anslut till mötet nu

Mötes-ID: 334 827 615 112

Lösenord: MtDFn4


21 of February at 19.00 hr, for Saturdays races.
22 of February at 17.00 hr for Sundays races.


Chief of Race:

Markus Zakrisson

Technical information:

Racing Arena: Bocksliden, Lycksele, Homolog no: 11795/10/15


Sem Eirik, Nor, TD ID 1211

Race fees:

International racers: pay SEK 350/ 30 Euro in Entry fee per race.
Payment: Swisch 123 451 23 23 , cash or card when collecting the bib in the slope.

Swedish racers: Entry fee: SEK 400:- /race.
Entry fee will be invoiced to Swedish clubs after the race.
20 SEK in administration fee for each club. 

Lift ticket and Bibs:

Lift ticket required for participation, 250SEK/(25Euro)/race.
Swisch 123 451 23 23 , cash or card.
Bibs valid as lift ticket. Bibs available in the slope prior the race.
Payment is controlled/ would be done prior collecting the bib.


Prize giving ceremony in the slope directly after each race. Prices for the 6 first i each class.

Warmup area

Space for warmup in the right hand slope in Bocksliden. Open for warm up coarse.  

Training before the races:

Markus Zakrisson, 070-649 38 12


  • FirstCamp Ansia: Code "LIFA" för 15% rabatt
  • Hotell Lappland: Ange kod "SPORT" för reducerade priser

Note! Registration is equal to acceptance of these terms of payment. Final program will be set at the team captains meeting. Entry also acceptance for photo and videostream during the weekend. All participants at own risk. FIS rules for racing applicable. If the racer looses the BIB the racer will be charged 1000 SEK. Official results are published on FIS-Ski homepage.

Welcome to Lycksele!